Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Touch Smart Magic!

Finding Nemo was Ben's first theater experience. He enjoyed it until he finally dozed off about halfway through. When Cars came out we knew Ben would have to see it in person even though it was chancy knowing that when his senses are overloaded he has a tendency to shut down - as in close his eyes and go to another world. As it turned out Ben was more of our entertainment than the movie!

The hip issues are still there even though X-Rays tell us all is okay at the moment. Keeping a steady dose of Motrin rotating with Advil seems to keep him comfortable enough to go about business as usual. Since he sees his regular orthopedist next Friday we'll have to make some tough calls about school, therapies, and other activities until then.

For now enjoy Ben enjoying his most favorite possession: his HP Touch Smart Computer. One day our not-so-little boy will be able to thank Aunt Casey in person - at least that is a huge wish of ours...


Anonymous said...
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Kyla said...

Spammers are nutballs. LOL.

Glad Ben is holding up okay. Hope the ortho can get him back to normal!

Ben and Bennie said...

Yeah, I deleted the comment.