Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another Farewell to a Special Friend

When we began our journey into exceptional living we realized very quickly how some incredibly talented and gifted individuals who mean so very much to Ben's progress (and to us as a family) would have to move on due to career opportunities or life changes. I'll have to admit that for us this is one of the downsides of our situation. Our family has been very, very fortunate in that most of the care-givers in Ben's life have been absolutely awesome - in fact going well beyond the expected in helping our son to achieve significant goals. Once again, one of those special to us has moved on with her career.

Dawn Floyd began working with Ben about two years ago. He made a terrific connection with her almost immediately - not only is she blond and a gorgeous lady, she was single at the time! My boy knows how to flirt with the best!

In all seriousness we (he) will truly Miss Dawn. Ben has probably made more therapeutic progress in the past two years with Dawn and his PT Mark than in any other period during his life. And it seemed Ben knew that this would be Dawn's last visit with him at least for now. Message from Ben to Dawn: "Come visit me soon! You know how much I love you!"


flutter said...

this is so lovely, she sounds great

busymomof10 said...

I discovered your blog yesterday through FB and have spent much of the evening and morning reading past blog posts. I have been blessed by your love and admiration for your special son, and by the way you inspire each other. Your paintings are intriguing, especially the ones by Ben and Bennie. What a brilliant concept! I've enjoyed the peak into your life -- but didn't see any pics of Joan. Would like to see her too! I've very much enjoyed visitng your blog, even though I cannot say that I agree with all of your views on life, politics and religion! It was sad to see how some of your views on God, His Word and His Moral Absolutes have changed over the years.

Many blessings on you and your family,

Elizabeth Malcolm Ours