UPDATE: A recent photo of her was spotted on a MySpace page last night. Her family is certain that she is in North Carolina, quite possibly at a college or university. If anyone has any connections at one of those locales please send a link to this blog so they can print off this poster. I have access to a .pdf file but you'll have to e-mail me at for access. Thanks so very much.
UPDATE: A recent photo of her was spotted on a MySpace page last night. Her family is certain that she is in North Carolina, quite possibly at a college or university. If anyone has any connections at one of those locales please send a link to this blog so they can print off this poster. I have access to a .pdf file but you'll have to e-mail me at for access. Thanks so very much.

Mackenzie is the daughter of a dear friend of ours. Please pass this along to any bloggers or Tweeters in the Carolinas and Georgia. Click on the poster for a larger version.
That sucks! Are they thinking it's a runaway?
I'm not sure. I can't get in touch with Gino (her father) but I don't want to tie up his phone lines. E-mails have been sent hoping to get more of the scoop.
How terrible. I hope she makes it home safe and sound (and soon).
What in the world possessed those kids to run off like that? I sure hope they're okay.
Considered it passed along to this part of the woods.
I did get confirmation that the two did run off together so it's not technically an amber alert situation. However law enforcement agencies across the southeast have been alerted.
I have heard indirectly from Gino - he's pretty upset, worried sick.
I am so sorry. Every parents worst nightmare....
all i can say is i'm glad she's with someone she knows and "trusts" but still....she needs to go home and so does he.
how scary for their parents!!!
i'd kill my kids once they came home.
hug 'em first.
then grounded for life!!!
I can't even imagine the worry and fear going through the parent's head right now. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
I've been seeing the people using Twitter to alert everybody, but this is the first blog post I've seen -- I didn't realize you were friends of yours. My God, what a nightmare. I hope everything ends up OK.
Oh no, no!! I am on this all over twitter, friend
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