Monday, March 05, 2007

Ten "Classic" Thoughts

1. I've been wondering today if I should really be enjoying my job as much as I do. I get to create artwork for a living. My co-workers are some of the coolest, wittiest, most clever, and caring folks on the planet. They are downright fun to hang around with. Our customers (despite having an affinity for "art on a stick" and glitter) are kind people who enjoy seeing and learning about the creative process. In fact this past weekend reminded me just how appreciative most people are of the artistic abilities me and my fellow artisans bring to the shows.

2. I cannot express the amount of thankfulness I have for the Gilmore family and their employees for promoting the Craftsmen's Classic shows. I could (and should) kick myself for waiting 7 months to act on the invitation to participate in their shows. It is rare that artisans are treated as well as we were all weekend long. Jennifer Palmer, thanks for visiting my booth in Blowing rock last July!

3. I'm jealous that Conni Togel has an art pimp. I almost feel bad that we picked on Peter all weekend. Almost. I mean the guy actually came down with a cold and he treated Ben's Guild to a fabulous dinner Saturday night (with Conni's well-earned money I might add) but it was hard to forget that Peter's a "pimp." A big lovable teddy-bear of a pimp but still a pimp. Just ask Conni! By the way, Conni had the roasted Leg of Lamb. You'll get the humor if you check out her site.

4. In all seriousness the Togels are an incredibly talented family. You know what an incredible artist Conni is if you've looked at her paintings. What I didn't know was just how gifted Peter is with his design, computer and marketing abilities. They have a terrific art auction site that I'm sure you've heard me mention in the past. If you've not visited there then check it out. I think you'll be very impressed with what you see. Plus you can find some truly great artwork for reasonable prices.

5. I had the pleasure of meeting two beautiful and wonderful families with exceptional children. The highlight of the weekend was getting to know Kara and Hunter! I'm hoping their families visit here often and that they come visit me again when I return in November.

6. The second best part of the weekend was getting to know the Togel's youngest daughter, Holly. She could be Jessie's twin sister! Holly mastered the art of trading your parent's artwork for treasures over the weekend after gaining some sound advice from Christy Buchanan's daughter, Boyce. Also thank you again Boyce for letting me crash in your Coolest Bedroom of the Universe.

7. I'm sore as hell today. My legs feel like jello after standing 30+ hours on a concrete floor for three days. Last time I worked at a retail job I was in high school. I truly appreciate and sympathize with those of you that work that type of job.

8. Ben welcomed me with open arms...literally. Man, The Kid had the biggest smile and hug waiting for me when I walked through the door last night. I was pleased to tell him that I sold TWO of our collaborative paintings over the weekend! Now how cool is that?

9. Jessie has fully recovered from The Stomach Bug from Hell. Joan told me how at one point Saturday she said it sucked that she had to get it when daddy was away all weekend. Have I told you how much I love my daughter? Needless to say she got some big time Daddy-loving last night (and of course a neat little treasure of her own).

10. It'll take a few days but I'm gonna get caught back up with all of my blog buddies. And I apologize for not having pictures from the weekend but I forgot to carry my camera with me for the first time since last May. I hope everyone has a great week!

"Horse" was one of two paintings by me and Ben that sold over the weekend. I guess we need to get back to work since we only have one father-son painting left!


kimmyk said...

Sounds like ya had a great weekend!

Very cool! I can't imagine standing that long...I'd get shin splints I think. Man those sucked. I'm sure Ben missed's good to get a break to recharge yourself.

Glad your back and ready to go.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear Jesse got the stomach bug. It's going around Greenville like crazy these days! Hope she's back to 100% soon.