Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Meet a New Friend!

A few months back someone organizing a brand new website about Pallister Killian Syndrome posted a short news article about our blog. I was told that the site was still under construction and it would take a few more weeks of tweaking before it would really get off the ground. Well evidently that time has come!

When I returned home from the weekend show I had three e-mails waiting for me in my inbox. All three were addressed as having interest in our artwork! After selling two of our collaborative works at the art show you can imagine how excited this made me. It was indeed confirmation that we'd met one of our goals in starting this blog. We're selling paintings and raising a little bit of money for some of Ben's supporters!

Well, it gets better! I'd like to introduce to you a new friend. Pictured above is Simon. Gretchen, Simon's mom left me a wonderful e-mail expressing interest not only in our artwork but also in learning more about Ben's story. You see Simon was born with PKS - the same genetic disorder that Ben has! I've spent a little time at their site already and I'm truly excited about reading their story. Be sure to check out the photo of their beautifully large family! Simon obviously has some amazing siblings given the entry by one of his sisters.

If that is not enough, Gretchen is involved with jump-starting PKS Kids Net. In my reply to her I mentioned how I'd really enjoy getting more involved in helping the website get off the ground whether through sharing our donations or advocacy. Evidently I'll be hearing from them soon about how we can help. I hope they understand (as most of you know) that I'm the true Mouth of the South and won't be afraid of expressing my opinion when need be without pulling any punches.

You reckon Paula Zahn will still take my phone calls? Welcome, Simon and the rest of the Peters!


kimmyk said...

And the world gets a little bit smaller every day. How wonderful!

Simon is quite handsome. What a precious little smile!

Anonymous said...

Kimmy, I have the same reaction when I look at a photo of Ben. I smile. What a cute little boy!!!

Kyla said...

Hi Simon!!!

The Curmudgeon said...

This really is what the Internet is supposed to do, isn't it? Congratulations, Bennie!