A Painting from Ben & Bennie No Longer for Sale

Title: "A Puppy for Moosh"
Size: 8" x 10" on canvas panel; standard frame size.
Price: SOLD (for the regular readers I'll let you guess who to)
Just a note to Casey, I'll have it in the mail the first of the week. The colors reproduced by Blogger do it no justice. It is pretty darn awesome when viewed in person. I've had both nurses and a friend try to bribe me for this one. The cool thing about this painting is that it is mostly Ben's. All of the blue color is Ben's work! It was absolutely amazing to say the least. Remember I get to do a mural for Moosh one day when your hubby gets rich and famous.
PEEING MY PANTS, the moosh is too but that's only because she's not potty trained. I already have the spot picked out and your plane ticket for 2010.
thanks darlin', so glad I called dibs.
I was so stinking excited I didn't even notice the picture isn't working...
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