Share the Magic!

So I'm just a little late with this post but better late than never I always say. Two of my favorite bloggers are a part of an amazing contest sponsored by HP and Windows. They along with 48 other blogs were each given $6000 worth of computer equipment to check out and review. Each of them have run or are running or will run their own contest to give away all of that equipment to one lucky individual! After you pick up your jaw off your keyboard continue readig to find out how you can enter as well.
First you might want to check this out to find out more about what is actually in the prize package. You will also find a link there to every one of the blogs participating. Next visit Corina at Down to Earth Mama to see what you need to do to win her contest. She has a blog version of a scavenger hunt going on at her place. Since she is a regular read of mine I highly suggest you participate because it's a very cool and clever way to get to know her.
After that mosey on over to Casey's place, Moosh in Indy to see what her contest is all about. You'll get a very good idea by reading the next part of this post. Like I said I'm a little late on this one. Both of their contests end tomorrow night! But trust me, you'll have plenty of time to get your entries in. As much as we'd like to win one of these packages, it would thrill us just as much for one of our regular winners to "share the Magic!" Also keep in mind that you don't have to have a blog and there are still about 35 to 40 more chances to win. Good luck!
Who Would I Share the Magic With?
It's weird because I truly don't expect to win any of these prize packages because I've read about so many other folk's plans as to how they will share "the magic." Some of them almost get me teary-eyed thinking, "How cool is that?!" There are literally thousands of individuals or organizations that could benefit from this gift. I guess that is why I was so intimidated to even attempt an entry at some of the blogs. The weird thing is that I've spent way more time than I should trying to figure out who I'd share everything with should we be so lucky.
Mama Moosh wants to know who, what, and how I'd share all of the gear should I win. I gotta be honest with Corina and tell her that I've decided to share the loot with a different organization than the one I originally told her. Should we win one of these prize packages we will share much of it with the Greenville (SC) Hospital System's Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. As much as I'd like to promote and advance my child's genetic disorder, I truly feel that those laptops would be best served within that PICU.
A recent return visit there has convinced me how out of touch most parents are with friends and family when their child is very sick. Visits are usually prohibited unless you are a parent. Despite having wireless access computers weren't available for patients or their loved ones. Donations are down, so I was told. And the thought of those teenagers who keep in touch with their friends did cross my mind while watching my daughter try to text friends about Ben via her cell phone.
My plan would be a delivery to the Children's Hospital on Christmas Eve. Because of Ben we have some connections with the local news media. It would be so very cool having Ben "deliver" the computers serving as an "exceptional Santa!" I don't know if I could make that happen but I'd invest as much effort as I have always done for Ben.
The Children's Hospital is some place we expect to return...some time...hopefully in the distant future. That thought frightens me. It always will because Ben will never be "fixed." I want to encourage other parents not to become "shut-ins" if they possibly can help it. Otherwise I want them to have a way to communicate with their loved ones.
How cool. I'd love a chance to win some of that! :) GOOD LUCK
When you win, I volunteer to come help Vicki and Stacy make Ben's chair into Santa's "throne".
I wish you the best of luck. I have a special place in my heart for children's hospitals, and I think that it will be a truly magical Christmas. My contest is random.... I don't think I could even decide from all the stories I have read. You are very genuine in your plan.... I am getting goosebumps reading it.
Good luck!
how incredibly worthy
That would be amazing.
Everyone go and check out the contest! You guys could win it too...accept for Corina. I still think they should let you keep at least one of the laptops.
I'd vote for you.
There are so many good and needy organizations...sigh.
Congrats Weiner.
Congratulations on winning the contest!
I couldn't think of a better recipient to win this amazing prize.
I almost called you right after Casey did. But I chickened out. I thought you may have been um *celebrating* with Joan.
Congrats my lovely friend.
You know how the Super Bowl MVP always says he's going to Disney World after the big game? A similar conversation occurred after Casey called us last night.
Me: "Now can I go to the BlogHer conference next summer?
Joan: "Oh you are SO going to that conference now."
That's hysterical! But as a disney fanatic, I have to ask..."When are you going to Disney World?"
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