Friday, November 28, 2008

The Longest Day

"We're rushing Ben to the hospital - he won't breath on his own. Please pray. Pass it on."

That's all I had time to write at about 1PM this afternoon. I will try and condense this into as short a post as I can. Ben has been ill with a respiratory virus the past two weeks or so. He was so sick that he required oxygen which he was weaned off of it a week ago today. Ben also finished up 10 days worth of antibiotics earlier this week, the second round of those in less than a month (he also got an IV amount of ABs at the pediatrician's office to kick off the second round). Although Ben showed some signs of stomach pain earlier this week, we were convinced he was pretty much "out of the woods." In the past our son has dealt with infection treatments with what has been labeled "stomach migraines," a term that can be best described as projectile vomiting coupled with severe pain and seizures. We were so wrong.

Yesterday, just before leaving for my in-law's lunch, Ben began vomiting. Between 1:30 in the afternoon and around 10:30 last night we guess that he threw up at least 6 times. After the first two times the little guy had very little to give up other than bile and congestive secretions. He was so tired that putting him to bed last night was rather uneventful.

I have no idea what time it was when he woke me and Joan up screaming into his monitor. Since Joan had to work today I went to check on him. As I climbed into his bed he had a look of fear in his face I don't think I've ever seen before. We snuggled under the covers which obviously comforted him. Within (I'm guessing) an hour he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Because of taking the "third watch" I slept in until late morning. I checked in with Nurse Vickie around 10:30 and found out not surprisingly he'd had a decent seizure but for the most part was doing well, particularly with his feeding.

Around 12:25 Vickie yelled for me to come down to Ben's therapy room. When I arrived she was bagging him. Ben was not breathing. Ben had a significant seizure just prior to this. Essentially Vickie kept Ben alive for the next 40 minutes via the Ambu Bag. Jessie called Joan, who arrived home in record time. At 12:40 we called 911. EMS was on our lawn within 5 minutes. I'm still pissed that they wouldn't allow me to ride with him but I got to Ben within 30 minutes. Ben was moved to the PICU around 6PM tonight and Joan is staying with him overnight.

He is in stable condition at the moment. We have no answers but several theories are being investigated. Some blood tests may tell us more tomorrow.

I will say that today I lived my worst nightmare. The knowledge that a neurologically challenged child can just decide their major organs just won't function anymore hangs over our family everyday. The worst part is that Jessie has been shaken up more than a 11-year-old deserves. She watched all of it.

Sorry I'm rambling on but I'm exhausted. That is all I know right now but I will keep everyone informed as much as possible over the next few days. Please keep the prayers coming. We believe in that. And even if you don't believe in it then do it anyway. It can't hurt.

UPDATE @ 9:20 - Seizures are coming in waves according to Joan. I am sick. I am empty. Fuck this.


Jenni said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family, that He holds you close in his arms in this time of need. May you feel His strength supporting you all.

R said...

All good thoughts are with you. Hang in there, little dude.

Anonymous said...

Praying and sending love, hugs and strength!

Kyla said...

I DMed you my phone number on Twitter. Call me anytime, really.

Vodka Mom said...

omg. I am praying. and praying. and praying.

flutter said...

I am making you the same offer as Kyla. Anytime, Bennie.

Nurse Betty L. Boop said...

I didn't realize how lost I would feel knowing that I couldn't be there with you guys! I cried and prayed and prayed some more! I put you all on the urgent prayer list on OCP, you've got prayers going up from all over the world, 24 hours a day!

carmilevy said...

I'm praying that the strength you have ALL shown ever since I've known you will see you through this.

You're not alone. Ditto the offer. I'm e-mailing you my contact info as soon as I click Publish on this comment.

Gretchen said...

I'm here--want me to call? Or call me--you know you can! Anytime, day or night. Any day.

Got people praying here too. I believe also.

Love and Hugs!

Christine said...

good thoughts are being sent your way. hang in there....

María said...

You're all in my thoughts. Hang in there!

Stimey said...

I was sent here by Flutter. You have all my good wishes and thoughts. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Please call us if you need to talk, scream, cuss, whatever! We're praying hard for Ben.

Magpie said...

Flutter sent me too. Thinking good thoughts for you all.

Heather said...

Sending prayers along from here, too. Wish I could send hugs as well!

Brian said...

Oh god, Bennie, I'm so sorry for this. Hang in there. Hang in there, all of you.

Anonymous said...

Ben is NOT Skjel.

Not all neurological children switch off. He's a fighter.

I am here for you.

Night or day.

You know no one is praying harder for you, Joan, Jessie and Ben than my family.

I love you.

Maggie, Dammit said...


I will pray for you all night. Please keep us posted. I'm so sorry and freaked out this is happening. Please be okay. Love to you. Love to you.

Chaotic Joy said...

I'm here from Kyla. I'm praying right now.

Liza on Maui said...

I don't know what to say ...
and I am praying for Ben and you and your family.

Hejaz Classic Carts Ladies Auxillary said...

Needless to say I am worried about Ben... keep me posted. You guys are, as always, in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and kisses my Ben-Ben!!!!!!!

Hejaz Classic Carts Ladies Auxillary said...

PS This is Vickie.. I need a new name huh?

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Praying. I believe in and have seen miracles. I am so sorry sweet Ben & your family have to go through this.


The Stiletto Mom said...

I was sent here via a link from Maggie on twitter where she asked for prayers for you and have that in droves from me. God bless you and your family.

flutter said...

I keep checking back on you. I am worried sick.

You are all in my prayers, tonight. Love you and yours.

RUAWAKE said...

Sent here from Maggie. I know that the power of prayer and positive thinking just helped my friend. Sending all that love and goodness to you and your family. Blessings to Ben.


Sheila @ Dr said...

*Tears in my eyes*

I'm so sorry for your family. I will say a prayer.

jess said...

Flutter sent me. I'm so sorry things are so bad. I'm praying for you all.

Christine said...

Came via the Tars. Sending you all my best hopes, wishes, and healing thoughts.

With love.

Sarah said...

I am praying for you and especially for your son. I am praying for all the medial staff. I pray for peace and comfort and rest and healing and understanding and knowledge. Please know that there are many many of us out here, that do honestly care what is going on with your beautiful son and family. (((HUGS))) Jesus Loves You.

Peter Tögel said...

we're praying for Ben - and all of you...Please give Jessie a hug from us, we haven't forgotten her either.
God can work miracles.
Hang in there, we're thinking of you!

Pamela said...

Maggie sent me here. My prayers are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers and good thoughts. Take care.

Pgoodness said...

I am sorry for the pain and fear you are all going through right now. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your family, will pass it along.

Maggie, Dammit said...

I spoke Ben's name over and over last night and woke up with it on my lips. Checking here and everywhere for some news, hoping the silence is a good sign....

Anonymous said...

Praying for your family. You are all strong. Sorry you have to be. You have the support of lots of people who love you by the looks of it.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you today. May Ben fight off the infection and return to health.

OHmommy said...

Maggie sent me via Twitter. I am so incredibly sorry and praying hard for your family. Sending many hugs your way.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family Bennie... May God's love & his angels surround Ben, comforting & healing him...

Blogger said...

Sent here fom Maggie via twitter. Hoping that all goes well from here on out, dear Ben!


Shawna said...

Our prayers are with you.

Beck said...


Unknown said...

Praying for all of you.

Amanda said...

Here by way of Flutter, hoping another little face might bring some surge to shoo the emptiness.

Anonymous said...

Here via Looky Daddy, praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys. x

kommishonerjenny said...

so much strength to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Here from Looky Daddy. I will keep you all in my thoughts.

Esther said...

You are in my prayers!

Guwi said...

I'm here from Looky Daddy too. You and your family are in my prayers, and I'll be checking back.

Take care

Rachael said...

I came to your blog through this post, shared by Maria from Immoral Matriarch. I'm so sorry, and I'll keep you and your son and family in my prayers.

HipChick73 said...

I'm here from Looky Daddy. You've got extra prayers coming from here too.

Angela said...

Here via Looky Daddy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. I am so very sorry that all of you have to go through this.

kimmyk said...

I'm so glad I didn't read this at the time cause my heart is racing and I know he's home now cause he threw Freddie at you up there (post at the top) but shit!

I can't imagine what you have been going through....

Please know that I am sorry....