Thursday, January 18, 2007

So I just tagged Redneck Mommy...

I know she had hoped I had used the word "shagged" but given her propensity to just flat-out ask guys on street corners about their "weenies" I just would rather not be bothered by all the questioning about "what was it like?" "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

So I sent her an e-mail. I'm annoying her a great deal at the moment by quizzing my family about what they want to know about our favorite Canadian blogging momma rather than finishing up my long-winded tail I'm giving her about CNN knocking on our door last week. Yes, looking back there are some hilarious moments which I will not so long-windedly tell dear readers over the weekend once I take the wind-breaking out of it

For an example, I showed Jenny (Tuesday, Thursday Nurse) a picture today of the satellite truck in our driveway. She had the expected reaction of, "Oh my gosh!" Yes, it was an experience of a lifetime. One I would not wish upon my worst enemies. Okay, I lied. I'd love for my worst enemies to appear on Paula Zahn Now so they could sweat, get nauseated, and be tortured by their loved ones just like me.

So without further ado this is my "meme" for Redneck Mommy (KimmyK, go ahead and commence further embarrassment).

The curveball thing (let RM Tell you about this) got me thinking (which is usually a dangerous thing) so here's a private (now public) meme (whatever that is) or consider yourself privately tagged unless you wanna go public with this because knowing your sick mind you could probably turn this into a great blog post.

1. Have you ever been to the beach? Not like a beach on Lake Huron but "ocean" beach. Getting a tan. Watching the buff college studs playing beach volleyball.

2. Explain curling in 100 words or less. Preferably less.

3. How far South have you been? Just run with this one.

4. What's your favorite hobby besides torturing your kids and sniffing Nixon, the Greatest Dog. Ever's farts?

5. Have ever been arrested or "involved" with the Mounted Police? This is a direct question from Joan. I she wants to go a bit further in regards to the "mounted" part so again, just run with this one.

6. Jessie wants to know if you ever get annoyed by the snow/cold weather. Now I know a bit of this answer but you will need to expound because she's my daughter and that makes this question now extraordianrily important.

7. Ben just coughed up a hocker through his trache. He wants to know what's the grossest thing that's every happened to you?

8. From Joan, do y'all have Wal-Marts?

9. Have you ever had to run outside naked (we say "nekkid" down here in the South) for any reason during the winter?

10. So does Candadian football suck or what?

Yes I do know she has just written some absolutely beautiful prose which is indeed brilliant. I'm envious, okay! So let the games begin! Oh yes, if of you others wanna join in please feel free to modify the questions so they are appropriate for your like The Curmudgeon, KimmyK, Creative-Type Dad, Blog Whore....all of you come to mind.


Shelli said...

Came over from KimmyK to say hello....

Your blog is wonderful and I will be back to learn more about you all. I love the finger paints!

take care,

Ben and Bennie said...

Hey Shelli! Thanks for coming by. I'm anxious to check out your blog as well.

Firestarter5 said...

RM...they must think we live on a different planet let alone a different country.

Just tell them we all live in igloos and we just received cable television last week..that'll keep them going for weeks....

Ben and Bennie said...

Interesting. When I insinuated she might not know what a curveball was her quote was: I'm bleeping Canadian not a Martian!"

kimmyk said...

Oohhhh here we go....

#5-She was arrested alright. Selling mexican dildo's at the border. I don't care what she says-and don't believe a word of it-I know these things. Her hooker ass got caught.

That's how she wound up in the Canadian jail and got the nickname....FISH.
I love the picture of Ben!

Redneck Mommy said...

You know, I've been up to my ass with sick kids and hugging the porcelain throne myself, and this is what I get for coming over here????

Shit and abuse...

Oh and by the way, those mexican dildos...they were Kimmy's.

How do you think I know about her raging case of Beaver Fever?

Sheesh. You yanks.

Ben and Bennie said...

Clarification: What's the difference between a Mexican dildo and say your average ordinary dildo?