Monday, October 23, 2006

Hello Friends!

I am feeling much better this week. Hopefully I'll be at school all three days I'm supposed to attend. I learn many things at The Washington Center and there is still so much more for me to accomplish.

Later this evening my Mom and Dad are going to let me paint! My Mom and Jessie missed seeing me last week and they want to see how hard I work. Dad says that we might paint several times this week because I enjoy it and my hand movements improve every time we work.

It was good to see my Dad return home last night. We miss him a lot when he's away at art festivals. Sometimes he brings me and Jessie some goodies from his travels. This time we both got stuffed Woolly Worms. He said the Woolly Worm Festival was much fun and hopes we all get to go next year so we can see folks race their Woolly Worms for prizes. He told us they were very funny! In fact some people get really silly over the festival like Mr. Woolly Worm (a.k.a. Roy Craigy). Here's a link to read more about the festival:

Well, so long for now.

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