Saturday, May 26, 2007

On the Palette

Bright Aqua Green: We went to a dear friend's high school graduation party tonight. I feel old. Honestly I don't feel old it's just that I guess I'm getting old(er). Let me explain. I'm now now 44 years YOUNG. My lovely wife will turn 45 in the next few weeks and as much as I'd like to pick on her and say some smart-assed comments about that fact she still looks at least ten years younger (if not more). We had our children later in life than some folks; not by choice but circumstances (we got married in our 30s, so there) . The reality is that three of my best friends kids are graduating and headed to college in the coming months.

Each one of these young people represent a part of my life that I consider milestones in my own life. The incredibly beautiful Kindal, whose party we attended tonight, was so very small when I left that rock band I refuse to mention. I was her "boyfriend" during her toddling years. At the time I wore long hair and lived the life of a fun-loving bachelor. Of course I was the only bachelor of the gang so it was an easy choice for her. Although she had garnered scholarship offers to play soccer she's getting close to a full ride for her academic achievements. Oh yeah, for extra money she models.

My "nephew" (he still calls me Uncle Bennie) was the baby that me and my songwriting partner let into the studio to break up the tedious work of programming and writing songs that would catapult me and his dad into the limelight of rock and roll. Our music dreams never became reality but Jacob is just beginning that journey that could lead him to success in music. Just like dad he is an incredible self-taught musician running a studio of his own from his bedroom.

At Kindal's party tonight I got to see Heather who is traveling to Vermont this fall to pursue her dream of managing a big time theater one day. These are some of the incredible folks I've gotten to know through the years. Yep. I feel old because I literally saw these "children" when they were just out of the womb.

I love these families and I know their expectations will be met beyond what they expect because they raised their kids in a way that encourages their creativity talents. So Jacob, Kindal, and Heather: God speed in your endeavors. We love you and wish you the best in all that you do!

1 comment:

The Curmudgeon said...

It's interesting to see our friends' kids in high school now.... it's just amazing to see our friends all over again... sometimes its uncanny.