Thursday, January 04, 2007

CNN Sucks!!!

I am livid. So much so that I may not make sense this evening. It is well known the Nancy Grace is a charlatan in regards to accepting the title "reporter." Tonight CNN went too far. Nancy "The Hick" Grace crucified a family for having procedures done on their special child. In her defense she used family photos from their blog to show just how much her parents cared for their girl. She had not even interviewed one single member of the family.
Strike one.

Next she compared caring for some elderly loved one she knows like she would an exceptional child.
Strike two.

The bitch has now pissed me off.
Strike three.

I ask everyone reading this blog to contact CNN and ask what Nancy Grace's intentions were? I also implore you to ask CNN to allow dear Nancy to interview ME. I want to take on this stupid hick on national TV. It'll be a slam dunk. And for Nancy, if you read this know that I am going to embarrass you on your network. I'll post more tomorrow. Right now I need a cold shower.

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