Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I've been checking the site meter occasionally to see where our new visitors come from. If I've found someone "Googling" anything related to Pallister-Killian Syndrome or Tetrasomy 12p fascination has gotten the best of me. People want to throw out names like the title toward Ashley's parents. Someone hit the site tonight using those search words. Well I found this at the top of the page. The "fetus" was 29 weeks old when they killed her. She was three weeks away from being Ben's age when he was born. You people want to do something good for the sake of the disabled? Then help us stop the murder of children like this. I'm sorry. My heart is broken.


Kyla said...

Wow. I feel ill. Poor sweet baby girl.

Creative-Type Dad said...

I can't even imagine...

moosh in indy. said...

Wasn't prepared for that.