Monday, January 08, 2007

Blogged by Ben

Hello to all my blog buddies! Man, I'm exhausted from the weekend. Mainly from Friday night's slumber party for Jessie. I had a whole harem of girls entertaining me!

They played games, watched Disney music videos, went on a scavenger hunt, and made up dances just entertain me and my Mom and Dad. Of course they ate pizza and had ice cream cake. The best thing? They included me in everything they did!

I was too pooped to stay up with them but Mom said she could hear them in Jessie's bedroom giggling and jumping around well into the night. And then I woke up Saturday morning to find all of them jumping into my bed to play with me again! I think I like these parties.

I understand my Dad has gotten his blood pressure up the past few days while blogging so I kicked him off of here for the night. I'm making him work on those paintings we started last week. He needs to get to work so he can sell some paintings!

By the way I am going to let him have a break for awhile tonight so we can watch what he calls "the big game." All I know is that we will be pulling for the red team! I'll be back soon.


Jonathon Morgan said...

Always good to take a break from blogging for the big game...

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWW BEN! Our team didn't win :(

The Curmudgeon said...

The red team, eh?

My condolences.

Ben and Bennie said...

Hey TC, we're not so much OSU fans as some of our care-givers and families. So we're not as devastated as some of Ben's friends.

I'm an old Cubs fan but the likelihood of the Cubbies switching unies is right out. Now Ben will watch an entire Bulls game in their "reds".

The team in red, my friend, the team in red!

Ben and Bennie said...

Hey Jonathan! Thanks for stopping by. I'll buy you a beer next time! You live in Austin, Texas - the music capitol of the world? Damn glad to meet ya!