Sunday, December 03, 2006

Weekend Wrap-up

Man, another week in the books! Now we're on that downhill slide toward The Big Day! I just hope we can keep all the sniffles, allergies, and colds at bay for the next few weeks.

Yup. Still on the check-list is to finish two posts I started this week and have yet to conclude. The end of Ben's unscheduled dental appointment that took place here at the house is definitely worth the wait. Also the final two items in the "Top Ten Stuff About Ben" is on the horizon.

Looking back over the other posts of the week and from I've learned by getting to read your blogs I guess I can summarize by saying let's all slow down and enjoy what the Noel is all about. This is the first Sunday of Advent, a time of year to prepare and anticipate the arrival of Christ. I've read so much about all your plans for the next month and I must say everyone certainly has a full schedule of activities! One of the blessings that comes from raising a child like Ben is that he forces us to slow down and live in the moment.

Funny thing. Me and Joan have a habit of quoting lines from Forrest Gump. Jessie began to quiz us this morning about the movie and the meanings behind some of those humorous but poignant quotes. Little did we know back when that movie came out that we'd one day have our own little Forrest.

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